Week 1 - Rowan Williams - The Tree of Knowledge:Bodies, Minds and Thoughts

William Cavanaugh - The Eucharist as Politics


Week 1 - Rowan Williams: The Intellectual Renewal of the Church
Week 2 - Denys Turner: The Atheism Tapes 
Week 3 - William Schweiker: God, Theological Accounts and Ethical Possibilties #1
Week 4 - Sarah Coakley: A New 'Ethico-Teleological' Argument for God's Existence
Week 5 - Willie Jennings - The Origin of Race


Week 6 - Rowan Williams: Religious Language Under Pressure
Week 7 - Janet Soskice: Image, Christology and Ethics
Week 8  - Merold Westphal: Atheism for Lent
Week 9 - Denys Turner: Faith, Reason and the Eucharist